Easy Payment Gateway offers a technology that could save businesses and developers up to a year of work



Every day, more and more people are choosing to shop online. Businesses are aware of this, and so the vast majority are committed to boosting their digital sales. However, these companies are often not prepared to offer all of the methods of payment that their customers demand, which can mean that all efforts made to reel the user in and make the sale are completely wasted.

There are businesses with such levels of payment flow that creating such complexity from a development point of view could easily take over a year. Thus, more and more companies are resorting to tools such as theirs in order to simplify the task, saving time and increasing profits in the process.

Easy Payment Gateway combines one-of-a-kind technology with Drag&Drop features. Thanks to them, businesses can design their own flowcharts which control the means or the reason for which a transaction is processed, and with just a click, drag and drop each element as they desire.

What clients will find on the Easy Payment Gateway platform is an almost endless list of parameters such as country, postcode, value or card type, amongst many others. With this list, they can apply their own filters and rules by simply dragging the parameters that they deem necessary and dropping them into the editor. In this way, using the Drag&Drop technology, companies can complete a task which otherwise, in more complex cases, could take up to a year to develop and carry out.

In addition, this means that anyone is able to manage the payment gateway for themselves, without any prior technical knowledge. The seller can implement whatever different rules they require into the editor, for example, limiting the use of a specific bank card to three transactions a day, for expenses of less than 100 euros. If these parameters are met, the transaction will continue as established. Otherwise, the payment will take another route, according to the preferences of the company.

All things considered, the workflow editor is a blank canvas upon which the logic behind operation processing can be drawn and it can even be changed in real. This technology, therefore, facilitates the work within companies, especially those that have a very frequent flow of transactions, or that do not employ professionals that work in this field.